Adaptive Living Store Return Policy
Cancellation & Return Policies

Orders placed on cannot be canceled online.
To cancel orders, please call Our Toll-Free Number 877-447-7816.

Typically, once your order is placed online, your order is processed right away. For that reason, it's likely that your order has already shipped. In that case, you will need to contact the Adaptive Living Store directly at 877-447-7816 to determine your order’s eligibility for cancellation or return.

A cancellation fee of 25% may be applied if cancellation occurs prior to shipment. If cancellation occurs after shipment, please see Return Policy.

Please note: By law, hygiene-related products (e.g., slings, mattresses, shower chairs, portable commodes, etc.). cannot be returned or refunded. Due to this fact, we recommend that you discuss your specific needs with an Adaptive Living Representative and your personal healthcare professional(s) BEFORE purchasing any hygienic product.

Please note: The Adaptive Living Store can not cancel, return or refund custom order items.

Please note: The Adaptive Living Store provides select products that are not eligible for return, exchange or refund.

To return eligible products to the Adaptive Living Store, you'll need to request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number by contacting Customer Service 877-447-7816. Please have the following information for The Adaptive Living Store Representative:

Customer name
Order number
Item serial number(s)
The number of items being returned
Whether the product box has been opened
Nature of the problem or reason for the request to return.

In general, the Adaptive Living Store accepts returns on non-custom and non-hygienic products from select** manufacturers within 15 days of order date. However, the Adaptive Living Store reserves the right to authorize product returns beyond 15 days from the order date. IF the product is accepted for return after 15 days, credit will be issued toward FUTURE PURCHASES ONLY. Returned products must be received undamaged and in their original unopened package. Original shipping charges are not refunded on returned products. The Customer is responsible for all return shipping charges back to either the Adaptive Living Store or respective manufacturer(s). A 25% - 75% restocking fee may apply.**